Become a Certified Holistic Coach

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E-Learning Wellbeing Certifications To Start Your New Life

The RachnaRestores® School is a registered and accredited e-learning platform that amalgamates clinically evidenced and scientifically successful impact of nutrition, yoga and mental health therapy, instituted as the RachnaRestores Protocol™ by Dr Rachna Chhachhi, PhD. Each coach who implements her patented RachnaRestores Protocol™, helps others beat chronic conditions and medical prognosis. Health professionals, including doctors, complementary medicine experts, yoga therapists, nutrition experts, energy leaders have completed the practitioners course as well as the masterclasses to add to the resume and help grow their practice. The certification courses provides credibility as the course creator, Rachna, is seen as the healer who helps heal those given up by the top healthcare professionals. You can too. You can begin your journey as a healer with the clinically evidenced healing that healed thousands of patients across, and begin your online practice from anywhere.

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The most credible e-learning platform focused on clinically evidenced healing courses

Accredited Complementary Medicine E-Learning Courses

Anyone can heal

Begin your journey as a healer with the clinically evidenced healing that healed thousands of patients across, and begin your online practice from anywhere.
Rachna experienced this clinical healing herself before she got certified as a nutrition, yoga and mental health therapist. She was struck by rheumatoid arthritis in 2006 and was put on chemotherapy drugs, immune suppressants and steroids. Over a period of one year, her knees, ankles and wrists were completely damaged and she slowly became bedridden. When she confronted her doctors, she was told that this is an incurable condition in medical science. In 2008, Rachna turned to nutrition and yoga to heal herself and was surprised at the results. From being bedridden with her scans showing complete damage to her joints, she began to get well. Clinically, over a period of eight months, her reports became negative for rheumatoid arthritis. This changed the path of her life. She quit her corporate career and re-studied – she is a certified nutritional therapist, PhD Yoga, cancer and cancer metastasis expert and WHO certified in malnutrition for infants and children. Rachna has been a practitioner since 2009, healing patients with chronic conditions across 27 countries. She has authored 5 health books with top publishers like HarperCollins. The RachnaRestores® School is her clinically evidenced learnings amalgamated into certification courses so that she can spread the healing for other coaches to help those struggling with health issues. Anybody can heal, with the certification from RachnaRestores® School.

The RachnaRestores® e-learning platform is registered and accredited for certification courses which help you quick start your journey to help others and yourself heal. 

500+ certified coaches across 27 countries

Rohit Patwari

Georgia, USA
I never thought of becoming a health coach some day but a critical health issue created havoc in my life 8 years ago. I underwent all possible treatments. When I lost all hope Rachna treated me with Holistic treatment & I could restore my health. After that I decided to do this certification. In my opinion the joy of being disease free is the greatest joy in this world. I am a electronics engineer by profession and currently I work full time with an MNC in the US and am also a certified health coach with the RR School Community.

Camille Tomat

Bologna, Italy
The RachnaRestores® School and holistic health coach certification program allowed me to have a comprehensive understanding of how our body reacts to food. It empowered me to address the eczema I had for a long time. It also gave me the tools to efficiently help people around me and then, clients. Having an activity that allows me to change people's life has been life changing for me too. Thank you Rachna!

Farah Hai

London, UK
The RachnaRestores® holistic health coach certification interested me as I saw it as a way to help people who really needed help and guidance in diet and lifestyle changes. Working one-on-one with clients with their specific health needs is really rewarding. For me, being a holistic health coach offers a chance to transform someone’s life, and that is such a beautiful feeling. There is nothing more valuable than helping someone take control of their health. And this certification has given me this knowledge.

300 +






The RachnaRestores® School is an
internationally registered e-learning platform

Registered College

Registered as a college with the Complementary Medical Association, UK for complementary medicine practitioners
The RachnaRestores® School provides certification programs for awareness.
For any medical issues, please consult your physician.
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